Friday, May 27, 2011


Well howdy there!

*Announcer-style voice* It's currently 12:30 AM, it's looking beautifully dark and warm outside, and today *feeling boob*, there's a 30% chance that I have mounds of homework piled in front of me! (it's a joke, because Karen Smith's boobs could tell when it was already raining.. in other words, I DO have mounds of homework piled up in front of me!)

This week has been particularly stressful in general, because Science Olympiad Nationals were last weekend (wooooo!!!!) (we came in eighth, btw, and my main event, Sounds of Music, FIRST IN DA NATION, BABY!!!), so I missed Thursday and Friday of school, and then I got "a stomach bug" but really i had to finish my 19 page History essay and ended up missing Monday and Tuesday, as well as most of Wednesday (when are ya gonna write a paper on the legal ramifications of the Vietnam war while in Wisconsin competing against the smartest underaged people in the nation!?)

So, as you can imagine, I missed a heck of a lot of work... and tests, and quizzes, and oral examinations... ohhh, how high school just toots my boot!

So, basically, I'm all like SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOLL!!!!! As you can see from the below representation:

Seeing as my brain enjoys throwing random and unrelated things at me, two different songs (that don't even go together, mind you) are suddenly on repeat in my head, one whose name I don't even know (which drives me crazy!). And, for some reason, Chinese words crept their way into my mind in the last ten minutes (I don't even speak Chinese!), so now my brain's going buckwild on me as my SCHOOOOOOOLLLLLL alarm is sounding (quite gratingly, in fact), some weird mashup of In the Sun by She & Him and some other song with annoying whistling are bouncing back and forth, and Chinese words are echoing in squeaky voices across the caverns of my vacant mind. So now, it's sorta like this:

Put, simply, I'm in mental turmoil. To top if off, my family friend (who has a wicked obsession with Harry Potter) is taking me to New York City this weekend to see Harry Potter the Musical and visit the Harry Potter Exhibit. It should be fun, but I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to prevent my brain from running back to shouting its famous siren, playing the broken record of Chinese babbling, and blasting random annoying songs whose names escape me (pet peeve!!). Oh, well. This should be a loooonnnng weekend. Someone buy me fudge if I survive.

Actually, don't. Bikini season is approaching and I'm eating a net 5 times a day what I've eaten each day all year. Oompah Loompah Lumpy Thighs, here I come!

Anyway, I should really get back to my homework, seeing as, regardless of how many eye-daggers I've sent flying at it, this mound of homework is not shrinking without my productivity, and I'm having severe trouble formulating coherent sentences. It's 1:07 AM, if you're awake right now and reading my blog, go to bed. Why? Because you can.

Night night! xo<3

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